"In 2020-21, inhabitants of the Belgica neighborhood, as well as users of the metro station, took part in artistic workshops to share their life experiences in connection with human rights. In total, the workshops led by Fanny Badaf, Sara Sampelayo and Giulia Gallino involved more than 200 people of different ages, cultures and genders. They resulted in the creation of nine pieces featuring the seven colors of the rainbow standing over one the Belgica metro station entrances."
Discover the name and last name of one person who's played a fundamental role in human rights. To do so, you must crack the following code. In this code, each number stands for one letter. You will find what letter each number represents on each trail segment. When you have the name, you can find out what their contribution to human rights was. Enjoy!
The mural is made of several paintings. Under the predominantly blue one, find the last letter of the first name furthest down on the left, which is the letter to replace number 9 with in the code.