
ARTICLE 26Right to education

All children must be given the possibility to go to school. Compulsory schooling is free of charge.

The right to education for all children is essential to developing one's personality, asserting and exercising one's duties and rights as a citizen, as well as blossoming personally, socially and professionally.

While, in Belgium, school is officially free and compulsory, some organizations report significant schooling costs for specific families, in a context where, however, in the Brussels-Capital Region 4 children out of 10 still live beneath the poverty line.

Did you know that, in the French-speaking part of Belgium, it is estimated that one adult out of 10 has a hard time reading and writing? Do you know that, for undocumented people, is it very complicated to gain access to higher education? In the world, 37% of people between the ages of 19 and 23 have access to higher education, whereas only 3% of refugees of similar ages manage to do the same.

The evils of society do not stop at the school gate. It is therefore important to remain vigilant because racism, sexism, validism, fatphobia and other forms of discrimination, which may be present there, constitute a barrier to the right to education.

The artist and their vision

"The woman represented on the mural is born in Belgium, of Congolese roots. Together, we tackled the theme of education which, first and foremost, is a vehicle for tolerance and understanding."

- Douronne


  • Observe the mural in all its details. Then, close your eyes and turn around. How many eyes are there on the mural? 👇
    8 eyes
  • A challenge! From the edge of the road, walk on the stones without touching the grass. Then jump up the stairs keeping your feet together. What can you find there that relates to education? 👇
    A vegetable garden and a book exchange box
  • With another person, with two other people, with your family, talk about the following questions: what would you like to see happen in school? What, to you, is the most important thing about school? What should schools teach?
  • A right to eduction implies… (several answers are possible)
    1. That elementary school is free and compulsory for all; 👉
    2. That all students can practice sport, whatever their grades in other subjects; 👉 😓
    3. That you may go to school only when you feel like it; 👉 😓
    4. That all refugee children have a right to attend school. 👉
  • What do you think about this quote by Nelson Mandela: 'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world'?

Crack the Code

Discover the name and last name of one person who's played a fundamental role in human rights. To do so, you must crack the following code. In this code, each number stands for one letter. You will find what letter each number represents on each trail segment. When you have the name, you can find out what their contribution to human rights was. Enjoy!

On the mural, after her name, the artist wrote down the name of the woman who inspired the work. What is the last letter of this person's first name? In the code, number 3 stands for this letter.

tape location


15C, avenue du Bourgmestre Jean Neybergh, at the back