
ARTICLE 25Right to an adequate standard of living

Everyone has the right to food, clothing, housing and medical care, and the right to security in the event of disability, sickness, old age and unemployment.

The Belgian Constitution states that every person has a right to a standard of living adequate for human dignity. This includes a series of points such as the right to adequate food in both quantity and quality, housing, medical care, work and leisure, the right to adequate pay, access to culture, etc...
In 2021, Belgian food banks distributed 22 229 tons of food to 177 238 beneficiaries and this number is constantly on the rise. Furthermore, net monthly incomes lower than 1 287€ for a person living alone, and 2 703€ for households composed by 2 adults and 2 children under the age of 14 fall below the poverty line. According to this standard, 13.1% of the Belgian population fell under the poverty line in 2021. Generally, job-seekers, tenants, single-parent heads of family, less educated people and the elderly are, proportionally, the most exposed to poverty.

The artist and their vision

"I wanted to tackle this subject by reminding ourselves that we're all in this together. The more I learned about the La maison bleue association, living between the walls that I painted, the more the notions of mutual help and support they defend felt essential to our general well-being as human beings. We have a right to this kind of support, this access to help."

- Soaz


  • Try taking on the positions of the characters on the mural.
  • What do you think the character on the right is looking at?
  • What makes you feel better when you're sick?
  • Block your ears and imagine what the two characters are telling each other.
  • C.P.A.S. provides social assistance by offering a number of social services aimed at supporting citizens. What does C.P.A.S. stand for?
    1. Centre public d'aide sanitaire – Public Center for Medical Aid 👉 😓
    2. Cellule permanente d'aide solidaire – Permanent Cell of Solidary Help 👉 😓
    3. Centre public d'action sociale – Public Center for Social Action 👉
    4. Cellule pour adolescents sympathiques – Cell for Cool Teenagers 👉 😓
  • Exchange in a group of two or more: What do you think are the essential elements of a standard of living adequate for human dignity?

Crack the Code

Discover the name and last name of one person who's played a fundamental role in human rights. To do so, you must crack the following code. In this code, each number stands for one letter. You will find what letter each number represents on each trail segment. When you have the name, you can find out what their contribution to human rights was. Enjoy!

The second number in the code stands for the last letter of the last Dutch word on the mural plate.

tape location


Rue Bonaventure, n°9