
ARTICLE 18Freedom of thought and religion

Everyone has the right to think and believe what they want. Everyone has the right to practice their religion.

These rights are applied differently according to the relation between state and religion. 46 countries in the world have a state religion, meaning they recognize a religion as official and holding legal status. In certain countries, like in the United Kingdom, this doesn't impinge on religious freedom, or the freedom not to believe, whereas in others, like in Iran, there is only one authorized faith – in which case, we speak of 'theocracies'. About forty countries in the world are considered secular states; they advocate for a strict separation between State and religion. This separation can take many forms. For instance, France and Turkey have inscribed secularity in their respective constitutions, yet apply it differently. Belgium defines itself as a Neutral State. Our country advocates for a separation between Church and State, but also recognizes and finances organized secularity, as well as six faiths. Equality for all before the law justifies the separation between State and religion, but from it arise a number of debates, for instance about the distribution of subsidies to faiths, the display of religious symbols at school and in public service.

The artist and their vision

"Since abstract art doesn't contain actual meaning, the different interpretations of those encountering, witnessing and observing my work are reflections of their personality, as well as of the nature of their psyche and sensitivity. "

- Alvari


  • Do you see an animal on the mural?
  • Turn around. Now, do you see another animal?
  • Do you know what a religion is?
  • Do you practice a religion? Or do you know anybody who does? Maybe another religion than the one you practice?
  • Do you know of situations where the right to practice one's religion has been violated? What do you think about this?
  • Which king or queen momentarily stepped down in 1993, to respect their religious conviction, and not sign a law in favor of abortion?
    1. Queen Elisabeth II 👉 😓
    2. King Hassan II 👉 😓
    3. King Baudouin 👉
  • Which are the six subsidized faiths of Belgium? 👇
    Catholic, Protestant/Evangelical, Jewish, Anglican, Orthodox and Islamic faiths.

Crack the Code

Discover the name and last name of one person who's played a fundamental role in human rights. To do so, you must crack the following code. In this code, each number stands for one letter. You will find what letter each number represents on each trail segment. When you have the name, you can find out what their contribution to human rights was. Enjoy!

Before the mural (at the corner of rue Dopéré), there is a road sign with a bike on it. The first letter of the first word on this sign replaces number 1 in the code.

tape location


Chaussée de Wemmel, 100 (at the crossing with rue Léon Dopéré)